Eye Laser Surgery “Lasek and Lasik”. All you need to know

eye laser surgery

What’s Laser Eye Surgery?

Laser eye surgery can correct poor vision. You will no longer need to wear glasses or contact lenses.

The procedure is very easy and takes only seconds to a few minutes depending on how much correction is required. It can correct astigmatism, short-sightedness as well as long-sightedness.

Cool beam lasers make small adjustments to the cornea, which is the outer surface of the eye. This can correct tiny imperfections and improve your vision. The speed at which patients recover is amazing and they can return to their normal lives without the need for contact lenses and glasses.

You will see remarkable improvements in your eyesight after laser eye surgery.

Can There Be More Than One Type of Laser Eye Surgery?

Yes, LASIK or LASEK (also referred to as PRK) are the two most popular and well-known types of laser vision surgery. iDesign can enhance both types. This highly-technical innovation takes over 1,200 measurements from the eye to create a personalised map’. This allows for tailored treatment, 25 times more precise than contacts or glasses.

What is LASEK(Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis)?

This is a surface treatment. A cup of alcohol is placed on top of the eye to create a “blister”. The epithelium (the roof) is removed from the “blister” and used as a flap. The laser is then applied. After that, the epithelium gets covered with a bandage contact lens for about 3-4 days.

LASEK is better than PRK for speed, haze and pain. LASEK has a small risk from cutting the flap, which is a benefit over LASIK. However, LASEK has slower recovery times than LASIK and may cause more discomfort.

LASEK may offer a better quality vision than LASIK at lower prescriptions.

What is LASIK (Laser in Situ Keratomileusis)?

The “flap-and-zap” method of LASIK is a treatment that treats the middle cornea. First, an automated instrument is used to create a thin corneal flap. This includes the surface cells. This flap is hinged and then folded back to allow the laser treatment to be applied to the Stroma.

After the laser application is complete, the flap is removed and replaced. It will then stick back in place within a few minutes. This procedure, unlike PRK, does not cause any pain afterwards. Visual improvement can be noticed within 24 to 48 hours since there is no wound that needs to heal. This technique does not produce haze, but there are slight risks of complications.

What is iDesign ?

A clearer vision can have a tremendous impact on your daily life. That is why it is important to get the best results from laser eye surgery. Your eyes are just like your fingerprint. Each one is unique and has many different characteristics. This means that even people with identical prescriptions may have different visions. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to vision correction.

iDesign allows you to tailor your treatment to your specific needs. This can remove your prescription 25 times faster than contacts or glasses. This adds to the primary types of laser vision surgery and can deliver even sharper, clearer results.

What does iDesign do?

iDesign is an innovative system that creates a detailed 3D map for the eye and improves your treatment. Your personalized design map, which captures more than 1,200 eye imperfections, is as individual as your fingerprint. This technology allows your surgeon to personalise your treatment 25x better than a standard prescription for contacts or glasses.

When measuring prescriptions for glasses or contact lenses, only one reading is taken. However, the iDesign high-resolution technology collects five measurements. iDesign measures prescriptions to 0.01 Dioptres. Glasses and contact lenses measure prescriptions to 0.25 Dioptres.

The iDesign technology is able to correct eye prescriptions more accurately than contacts or glasses. However, it can also treat more complex cases. Laser eye surgery with the iDesign is now possible for patients who had been told that they were unsuitable for surgery.

Who suitable age for laser eye surgery in the United States?

Laser eye surgery can be performed on most people above the age of 18. Your eye prescription should be the same for at most two years. Clear lens exchange might be more advantageous if you are older than 45. This helps with reading.

What results can I expect from laser vision surgery?

Because of the uniqueness of each patient’s eyes, laser eye surgery results will differ from one patient and another. Current statistics indicate that the LASIK success rate can reach 100 per cent, with patients achieving vision levels of 6/6 or 20/20 without the need for glasses or contact lenses depending on their prescription.

Can laser eye surgery be performed permanently?

Most cases of laser eye correction are permanent. It won’t, however, stop age-related changes. The majority of people will need to read glasses starting in their 40s. Cataracts can still develop later.

How painful is laser eye surgery?

Pre-treatment with eye numbing medication is given to ensure that the patient feels no pain during the procedure. Some patients may feel some discomfort following the procedure. This should resolve within 1-3 business days depending on what treatment was used.

Is Laser eye surgery safe?

Laser eye surgery is an easy procedure and one of the most sought-after elective procedures. However, every surgery comes with some risks.

Is there any side effect to eye surgery?

While the procedure itself is quite quick and doesn’t hurt, it is important to know that there are risks and possible side effects associated with any kind of surgery.

You may experience the following side effects. These will typically disappear with time.

Vision changes: This includes starbursts, glare ghost images and halos. These are more common for those with high prescriptions. However, they will usually disappear in a few weeks.

Eye blurring or discomfort: Some patients may experience intermittent blurred vision. This should improve in a few weeks.

Infection: Though rare, there is a chance of infection after surgery.

Appearance: Small blood leaks can cause red blotches in the whites of your eyes. However, these are not harmful and won’t harm your eyes. They will disappear in a few days.

Dry Eyes: Commonly reported by patients who underwent LASIK laser eye surgery. This is due to decreased tear production, which can cause irritation and vision blurring. About half of all laser eye surgery patients suffer from dry eyes. These symptoms are often relieved by eye drops.

Eye infection: Although it is rare, many laser eye surgeons have confirmed that infections are more common in procedures that use PRK or surface ablations. After eye laser surgery, you can create a more sterilized environment to promote healing.

How much time does it take for the recovery process to begin?

It is recommended to take off work for a week, but it is common to be able to resume work after 4-5 working days.

How much does eye surgery cost?

It all depends on the clinic: some charge less, and some charge more. Your doctor will tell you the total cost After seeing your eye condition.

Author Bio
  • Yasir Sheikh
    Yasir Sheikh is a Master's Degree holder from the UK. A passionate blogger and affiliate marketer on a mission to explore and share the best in the digital world. His journey began as an interest in the complexities of the digital world and is now a determination to provide high-quality information which empowers and educates his readers. As a blogger, he strives to create engaging and informative content that resonates with you – the reader.

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