Hair Transplant : What is FUE Hair Transplant Method?

hair transplant

What is FUE Hair Transplant Method and how much does it cost? Let’s talk about it.

What is FUE Hair Transplant ?

  • Follicular unit extraction (FUE), which is a method of hair transplantation, involves the removal and transfer of individual hair follicles to another area.
  • FUE is now more common than Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), which led to “hair plugs”.
  • Surgeons use micro punches in order to remove single follicles from the body and then move them. There is virtually no evidence that the extraction took place.


FUE surgery is safe and can cause only minor side effects. FUE may leave tiny, white scars around areas where follicles are removed. This is rare. Sometimes side effects may occur, but they often resolve quickly.


  • FUE may be completed over several days using multiple sessions of 2 to 4. Rarely a “mega session” can last between 10 and 12 hours.
  • FUE could be done in-house so that you can return to work immediately.
  • Do not disrupt your everyday life with FUE.
  • Most surgeons can do a hair transplant.


• Price of hair extensions between $ 4,000 to $ 15,000 per session.

• The amount will vary greatly depending on how many hairs are replanted and how experienced your surgeon is.


  • The average time it takes for the hair to grow back after being transplanted is 3-4 months.
  • The transplanted hair will grow back at a rate ranging from 10 to 80 per cent.
  • What does FUE hair transplant mean?
  • Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is the process of removing hair from your skin and implanting them into another area in your body.
  • FUE has been developed to replace FUT. This involves removing a large section of the skin or scalp and then transplanting it into the desired location.
  • FUE is a more popular choice than FUT. FUT leaves scarring where hair or skin aren’t matched, but FUE does not.
  • Candidates for FUE hair loss are those who are either balding or have very thin hair.
  • If your hair is not healthy enough to be transplanted to the area, it is thinning or balding; then you might not be eligible for FUE.

What is the cost for a FUE hair transplant ?

Costs for FUE hair transplants range from $4,000 to $15,000 per procedure. Additional sessions can be up to $50,000.

What determines the final cost of FUE Hair Transplants?

FUE hair transplant prices are between $ 4,000 and $ 15,000 per session. The multi-session process can cost up to $ 50,000 or more.

The maximum amount of FUE hair transplants depends on:

  • How to remove and transplant hair.
  • How many doctors are there in your area for this operation?
  • Many insurance policies do not cover FUE hair transplants.
  • How regularly can your surgeon perform FUE Transplants?
  • How experienced and highly in demand your surgeon may appear.
  • Prescriptions may also be required for side effects and pain relief.

In calculating the cost of hair transplants, consider how much time you’ll need to be absent from work. Companies won’t pay for hair removal if they have policies regarding medical leave.

FUE hair transplant procedure :

Here is how the FUE process works:

  • A surgeon will trim the hair in the area around the transplant site and in the region where the follicles were removed.
  • They will use micro punch instruments to remove hair.
  • Next, the surgeon will make incisions using a fine needle or other small, sharp tools to insert the removed follicles.
  • They will insert their follicles via the incisions.
  • The surgeon then will clean the area and apply bandages for your recovery.

Areas of a treatment target :

  • FUE hair transplants are usually performed on the scalp.
  • They can even be done elsewhere on your body, wherever hair is short or absent. FUE will be performed on your arms, legs, and even your venereal area.

Are there any risks or consequences?

You will not experience anything in any FUE hair transplants except for small white dots wherever the follicles have been removed. These may disappear over time.

See your doctor if you notice any of the following side effects:

  • symptoms of infection
  • water or crust wherever surgery is performed
  • Pain or swelling in the surgical area
  • Follicle inflammation (folliculitis)
  • Bleeding on the surgical site
  • Numbness or itching near the surgical site
  • Planned hair that does not look like round hair
  • Balding or dilution continues even after re-installation

What to expect when FUE hair transplant?

  • Recovery from FUE is fast.
  • You will have swelling or discomfort for about three days.

Here are some health care tips your doctor can give you:

  • Do not wash your hair or shower for at least three days.
  • Use mild and odourless shampoos for a few weeks when you start washing your hair.
  • Do not brush your new hair for at least three weeks.
  • Take a few days off work to help speed up healing.
  • Do not wear hats, beans, or other clothing that goes over your head until your doctor says it is OK.
  • Do not do strenuous physical activity at least each week.

Some hair follicles may fall out throughout the treatment, which is usually traditional. You will probably start to notice differences in three to four months.

Depending on the health of your replanted hair, your hair may not grow vital for sure.

Preparing for FUE hair transplant :

Here are some things to try before getting a FUE hair transplant:

  • Do not smoke at least daily before your surgery.
  • Do not drink alcohol for at least three days before your surgery.
  • Try to avoid taking antidepressants two weeks before surgery.
  • Do not take blood thinners for about two weeks before your surgery.
  • Do not take any vitamins or dietary supplements two weeks before your surgery.
  • Have an electrocardiogram (ECG) and blood tests before surgery.
  • Do not cut your hair before surgery.
  • Take any medication your surgeon asks you to seek, such as minoxidil (Rogaine).
  • Do a head massage for ten to a half hours daily for some weeks to stretch the blood flow to your scalp.

Author Bio
  • Yasir Sheikh
    Yasir Sheikh is a Master's Degree holder from the UK. A passionate blogger and affiliate marketer on a mission to explore and share the best in the digital world. His journey began as an interest in the complexities of the digital world and is now a determination to provide high-quality information which empowers and educates his readers. As a blogger, he strives to create engaging and informative content that resonates with you – the reader.